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Water Kinetics will be at Healthcare Estates 2022

Kyle Wallace

31 Aug 2022

Award-winning creators of Eco-Duo, Water Kinetics, will be at Healthcare Estates 2022.

Manufacturers of the award-winning and innovative pipe-within-a-pipe system Eco-Duo, Water Kinetics, will be displaying their products at stand D67.

Water Kinetics aims to be the world leader in water safety, providing preventative measures against water-borne pathogens while also being energy efficient, making it a real game-changer in the world of potable water systems.

Designed with inspiration from vascular heat-retention mechanisms within penguin feet, Water Kinetics have been able to create a counter-current heat exchanging pipe-within-a-pipe system, halving energy costs and carbon emissions.

Eco-Duo is constructed from copper, a naturally anti-microbial material and is 100% recyclable. In addition, its packaging is made from 100% recycled material and is 100% recyclable afterwards.

The system itself reduces the necessary heating (or cooling) needed for potable water recirculation, instead opting for a self-insulating system, keeping hot water hot, and cold water, cold. Eco-Duo itself has undergone extensive independent testing at BRE in Watford, as well as being installed for the last 5 years at the University of Bristol (which is available for viewing on appointment).

Visit Water Kinetics at stand D67, or if you are unable to make Healthcare Estates, then please email or call 0141 280 9585 for more information on Eco-Duo.

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